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The battle of Verdun

The Battle of Verdun was a battle that took place from February 21 to December 19, 1916 in the Verdun region of Lorraine during the First World War. She opposed the French and German armies.

German Kingdom
Joseph Joffre
Erich von Falkenhay
Henri Phillipe Petain
Kronprinz Willhelm
Robert Nivelle
Schmidt von Knobelsdorf




German Kingdom
167.000 of 377.000 are fallen
143.000 of 239.000 are fallen
210.000 of 377.000 are injured
96.000 of 239.000 are injured




Troop strength
75 Divsions
50 Divisions



The Battle of Verdun was a battle that took place from February 21 to December 19, 1916 in the Verdun region of Lorraine during the First World War. She opposed the French and German armies. The Battle of Verdun was a battle that took place from February 21 to December 19, 1916 in the Verdun region of Lorraine during the First World War. She opposed the French and German armies.

Due to the development of new guns, which were ready to be shot again within a very short time, and new infantry weapons such as the 08/15 machine gun, in the First World War, as never before, difficulties arose in obtaining the necessary replenishment. They required the full changeover of the economies to the production of war. An example of the incredible amount of ammunition needed is the Battle of Verdun from the 21.2.1916: 1500 guns fired for eight hours continuously on enemy positions. The Battle of Arras had even been prepared by a five-day bombardment, but fewer guns had been hit. In addition to the use of fast fired rifles and guns, the long trench and position struggles also had an aggravating effect on material consumption. As low as the strategic benefits and the chances of success for both sides were, one hoped for attrition phenomena through permanent bombardment.



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